April 24, 2018 Hannover Messe

German-Singaporean Economic Forum at Hannover Messe

On April 24 2018 the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business (APA) together with Enterprise Singapore (ESG) held the 13th Germany-Singapore Business Forum (GSBF) at the side-lines of the Hannover Messe. The aim of the GSBF is to promote economic relations between the two countries with a special focus on SMEs. The GSBF began with greeting remarks from the two co-chairmen, Mr Philip Yeo and Prof. Axel Stepken. Guest of honour was Mr. S. Iswaran, Singapore’s Minister of Trade and Industry, who gave the keynote speech and highlighted the potential for even closer technology partnerships.

This was followed by two panel discussions that highlighted cooperation between German and Singaporean companies in the development of the ASEAN markets and “co-innovation”, which is the joint development of new products and technologies.

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