“We can only overcome the challenges of our time together.”
Dr. Roland Busch
APA Chariman and President & Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG
„We can only overcome the current challenges together. Whether climate change, digitalization or geopolitical tensions – no country can master them alone. As the world’s most important growth region, Asia-Pacific has a key position here. That is why the Asia-Pacific Committee wants to intensify partnerships with the entire region and is counting on the strong local presence of the German business community.“
Friedolin Strack
APA Managing Director
and Coordinator Germany
Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business
c/o BDI – Federation of German Industries
Jan Nöther
Member of the APA Board of Management
and Coordinator Asia/Pacific
Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business
c/o Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (MGCC / AHK Malaysia)